Sunday, December 11, 2011

Big Apple Blooms

We've been away from Purple Peony for a bit!  Last week this sister team along with our mom left Winnipeg to visit the Big Apple.

NYC called to us and we answered with a five day trip that was full of shopping, sightseeing and more shopping.   The city was dressed in it's Christmas best and it was a sight to see, let me tell you.  Every apartment building had a tree in it's entrance, stores had their shops fully decked out and all the office buildings had major trees that took up half their courtyards.

We checked out some retail florists shops and hit up a ribbon shop that was 5000 square feet of pretty adornments.  We grabbed some supplies for the upcoming wedding show and for Liz's May nuptials but we're keeping it all under wraps for now.  You'll just have to wait and see!

I will leave you with some pictures that made this florist's heart a flutter as I took in all the Christmas goodness.   Once all the pictures are edited we will share our encounter with one of the Wedding world's top celebs - it's pretty exciting!!!


Dressed in red in Bryant Park

Trump Towers does it huge with a larger than life wreath

Christmas Class at Tiffany

Bloomie's goes modern

Love the candy colours to go with the famous blue

Real berries and magnolia are high style (and budget!!) in SOHO

Massive mounds of Holly at the Met

Gardinia glory to enjoy while making your purchase at Tiffany counters

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