Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year

How is it possible that time moves so quickly?  It seems like I just started Purple Peony out of my kitchen and now here we are, entering into our fourth year of operations. 

We have come a long way since our very first weddings and New Years is such an appropriate time to look back on where we've been and to focus our energy on where we are going.   A major part of that reflection is to offer thanks to everyone that works with us to make Purple Peony the success it's become.

Our brides are at the top of that list because without them there would be nothing for us to do!  Thank you to all our couples (and their moms in some cases!!) for relying on us and trusting us to fulfill your vision for flowers and decor on what is one of the biggest, most exciting and important days of your lives. We truly appreciate each one of you and thank you for all the accolades and referrals you pass along to us.

Other wedding professionals that we work with on a day to day basis also play a big part in our success.  We've worked with   photographers who are willing to share their stunning work, venue staff that is ultra helpful, who make our job so much easier and planners and decorators that help us showcase our talents.  We've started updating our link list (in the left hand menu) to include these vendors that really are at the top of their class.

And where would we be without the help and support of our families?  The men who support us and help us lug boxes of flowers, vases and tools from studio, to ceremony, to reception and then back again are integral to our operations.  Parents that provide babysitting and help with the grunt work are the behind the scenes help that is so appreciated.

So thank you all for believing in us and supporting us so that we can grow this passion that has become a viable business.   Purple Peony will continue to strive to become the best that it can, offering our clients the alternative to the impersonal, quantity focused experience that comes with retail florists. We will continue to focus on our individual clients ensuring that the designers they meet with during consultations are the ones who will build their floral elements the day of the wedding.  We will focus on our customers’ needs and limit the number of weddings we book in favor of offering the highest product quality to our very special brides.

We take our jobs as wedding designers very seriously and want to repay the trust that our brides have in us with the highest quality of work for very fair, competitive pricing.

We look forward to all the challenges that 2012 will bring and are excited at the prospects.  Many key dates are fully booked and we continue to see growth that surpasses our expectations, making us a pair of very happy florists ;)

All the best in 2012!

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